Heretofore, men's personal grooming has been more a matter of maintenance than augmentation; a haircut as opposed to a henna treatment. Or at least that is what I thought. To be honest I must admit, before last month I've never quiet used a "cosmetic" of any type except may be on the odd occasion it was forced on me by my sister or a girlfriend.
No, I wasn't afraid it would rob me of my manliness, it is just so complicated - a powder bronzer, a concealer and kohl liner for eyes and lip balm in three shades: natural, fair skin and tawny - see it is a rocket science.
Therefore, it was a fairly unique experience when I was told I would need make - up for the shooting of the above picture [the one on the right obviously]. It is also true I would need all the help I could get.
Anyways, I quiet liked the use of these ''bold, virile line of revolutionary tools'' designed to ''enhance masculinity'' and ''offer each and every man the right to be naturally handsome" or at least this is what I told myself as the friend I had brought along died laughing at my side.
So yes
''Dude, where's my concealer?'
Oh yes as a shameless effort to document this we made a video - it is hilarious at my expense of course.
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