Call for Submissions : BLOWup Angkor 2013

For the last couple of years, we've (along with my friend Lenskap) been playing with the idea of interesting public of photography in the streets of various cities. BLOWup Angkor now in it's 4th year is our flagship, where we descend on this Cambodian town with pictures from all over the world, all to pay homepage to our favorite photo-festival. We are calling for submissions...

Diary from Murshidabad

October 2010, Murshidabad District, Bengal, India -Fields of Kash; No particular intention had brought me a Murshidabad District in Bengal, I might search my excuses and I can fabricate several. Making some pictures for a friends mother's NGO perhaps, a made-up magazine assignment etc. The simple matter is that I had decided one morning to leave and gets on a...

The Bhopal Legacy

At around midnight on Dec. 3, 1984, a Union Carbide plant manufacturing the pesticide Sevin suffered a terrible malfunction, accidentally releasing poisonous gas into the air over Bhopal, India. Thousands of people died that night and in the days, weeks and months that followed. Since then, very little of the toxic residue around the plant has been cleaned up, while...

Kubuswoningen, Rotterdam

Just some stuff I've been looking at - the Kubuswoningen in Rotterdam - designed by architect Piet Blom and based on the concept of "living as an urban roof": high density housing with sufficient space on the ground level. Especially good if you're looking for a travel agent for a trip to Cape Verde. ...

Amsterdam Itinerary - Hortus Botanicus & Natura Artis Magistra

There is something magical about being allowed into a secret garden. This is particularly true in a city like Amsterdam where, although it is said that residents rarely draw their curtains, the impassive façades of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century canal-side houses give little hint of what is concealed behind. I guess I found one - except for this one cost...

A study of Urban Landscapes in Amsterdam.

A exploration of contempory dutch landscapes in and around Amsterdam. I'm trying to present photographs of spaces redeveloped in the old docklands - built in the last few years (away from the old merchants’ villas, the Jordaan’s charming lanes or the lush Vondelpark ) . These suburbs have all experienced, at their own scale, a significant expansion - as a push toward building...

Erik Kessel's Album Beauty at the FOAM Amsterdam

[Erik Kessel's Album Beauty at FOAM Gallery] Erik Kessels a collector of nostalgic found photography and in his spare time run an advertising agency (or the other way around). One of his previous exhibitions at the FOAM Gallery in Amsterdam- Mr Kessel printed out what is supposedly a million pictures (allegedly every photo uploaded onto flickr on 1 day) and dumped...

On the Road in Rajasthan

"Singh struck out in his own direction by using color photography, disparaged at the time, rather than black and white. More than a dozen books followed, each focused on different parts of urban and rural India; the images in this show are drawn from them. The documentary-style vision that emerges is neither sugarcoated, nor abject, nor controllingly omniscient."...

Provoke. and ellicit a reaction.

It's a simple game.  Wear your blurry-little-ricoh around your neck, be confrontational and leave your flash ON. Get into people faces, don't be scared. Take a picture. Show them the picture. Leave.  Repeat. A new delhi night club is perfect place for this little game - a game you play for your own drunken entertainment Provoke. and ellicit a...